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Solution Focused Hypnotherapy

close to Frome, Melksham, Westbury, Bradford-on-Avon, Warminster, Corsham, Bath and Devizes

Welcome to Fiona Baker Hypnotherapy

This is a recent photo of me

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Do you ever think:

  • I am worthless because I don't have the perfect body (whatever that is)?

  • I will be happy when I am slim?

  • I am too paranoid to go out for fear of being judged about my size?

  • I would love to wear that but I can't because I am not thin enough?

  • I am a failure because I can't stick to a diet?


If the answer is yes to any of these questions, then I can help you.  My name is Fiona and I am a clinical hypnotherapist.  I have lots of experience in helping people like us realise that we are every bit as important as anyone else.  So what if our bottoms are above average in size, there is just more of us to love.

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Exercise is possible no matter what shape or size you are.

Imagine a life where your worth is so high, you can live it as you choose.  You can achieve your highest goals, wear what you want, go out for that meal, or do whatever you like without fear of judgement.  Wouldn't that be wonderful?

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We will work together to help you use your inner resources to move towards the happy and enjoyable life you deserve. During the initial consultation, we can talk about how I can help you and what you can expect in the next sessions. There will be plenty of opportunities for you to ask questions.


I specialise in increasing self-worth in people who have been damaged by diet culture, who believe they are worthless because they don't have a "perfect" BMI.    

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I am able to help with a variety of mental health issues at Fiona Baker Hypnotherapy

Maybe you need help with something else?


There is a lot more information on my Conditions Helped page.  

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